G31 i E32
Sinonimi za neke od prideva - catchy - unforgettable , haunting - evocative, memorable , sinister - threatening , menacing , disturbing, soothing - relaxing, soppy - sentimental, tedious - boring, repetitive,dull
Turn up - appear
Turn on - attack
Turn down - reject
Turn off - exit / junction
Turned off - cause disgust
Uraditi vežbu 11 na strani 45.
U spisku prideva na strani 44 pronaći sinonime sledećih prideva : sentimental - ----------------------,
------------------------, ------------------------
sinister - ------------------------, --------------------------
monotonous - ---------------------
exciting - ----------------------
i antonime sledećih prideva : tedious - -----------------------
soothing - -------------------------.
Takođe napisati sopstvene primere rečenica sa frazalnim glagolima sa strane 45 (ukupno 3).
Svaka kritika knjige ili filma mora sadržati osnovne informacije o delu, kratak siže, dobre i loše strane i na kraju zaključak / preporuku.
Uraditi vežbu broj 1.na istoj strani koja zahteva da svakom pasusu date podnaslov.
Nakon toga uraditi vežbu broj 2 na istoj strani i dopuniti kritiku sa datim rečima / izrazima : all thing considered, although, howevr, in the end, also, because, one day, such as, which, who.
Fotografisati i poslati na odeljenski mejl.
- 2 lične zamenice
- 2 povratne zamenice
- 2 neodređene zamenice
- prisvojnu zamenicu
- prisvojni pridev
- 3 odnosne zamenice
- pokaznu zamenicu
6. Preko ovog linka
možete pristupiti testu Module 4 koji ću oceniti.
Imajte u vidu da ne možete ostavljati praznine. Ukoliko ne znate napišite ne znam, jer na kraju ne možete predati odgovor . Pozdrav.
7. Prepisati ključne reči sa strane 53 i podeliti ih u 4 grupe :
- biology
- physics
- information technology
- astronomy / cosmology
8. E U R E K A !
Pročitati tekst Eureka , pronaći ključne reči i uraditi vežbu broj 1 na strani 54 ( povezati otkrića sa načinom kako je do njih došlo ). Poseban akcenat je na rečima : equation, to vary, breakthrough, painstaking , to expand, mould, modest, accuracy, setback, hereditary ...
9. Sa strane 159 prepisati pravila građenja složenica , definisati načine građenja prideva, imenica i glagola. Kada definišete 3 vrste prideva , 4 vrste imenica i 3 vrste glagola napisati po tri primera za svaku grupu , naravno sa spiska na istoj strani.
10. https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/future-perfect.html
The Future Perfect
The Future Perfect is only used in a few situations, but it's still good to know it. Here's how to make it.
The future perfect is made with the future simple of 'have' (will have) and the past participle. For regular past participles add 'ed' to the verb ('play' becomes 'played').
Here's the positive:
By six pm tonight:
- I will have finished this book.
- She will have cooked dinner.
- He will have arrived.
- It will have stopped raining.
- They will have left Japan.
For the short form, we change will to 'll.
- I'll have finished this book.
- She'll have cooked dinner.
- He'll have arrived.
- It'll have stopped raining.
- They'll have left Japan.
Here's the negative:
By next week,
- I will not have finished this book.
- You will not have studied the English tenses.
- He will not have arrived.
- We will not have met Julie.
- It will not have stopped raining.
(arrive) by dinner time.
By 10 pm tonight, she
(watch) the film.
By 10 pm tonight, she
(leave) Paris.
I'm sorry, by next week, John
(not/clean) the office.
Kada uradite ovih 7 primera izdvojte priloške odredbe za vreme tipične za ovo vreme.
Future Continuous Tense
The future continuous tense, sometimes also referred to as the future progressive tense, is a verb tense that indicates that something will occur in the future and continue for an expected length of time. It is formed using the construction will + be + the present participle (the root verb + -ing).
At 10 am tomorrow,I will be sleeping
The future continuous tense, sometimes also referred to as the future progressive tense, is a verb tense that indicates that something will occur in the future and continue for an expected length of time. It is formed using the construction will + be + the present participle (the root verb + -ing).
At 10 am tomorrow,I will be sleeping
- you will be working
- she will be studying
- it will be raining
- he will be cooking
- we will be eating breakfast
- they will be travelling
At three o'clock tomorrow, he
(wait) for the train.
At three o'clock tomorrow, he
(study) in the library.
When she arrives, Julie
(not/watch) a film.
This time next week we (sit) at the beach.
He (not / play) all afternoon.
Tomorrow at nine I a test. (to write)
Tomorrow at this time,I (take) my English language exam.
Kada uradite ovih 7 primera izdvojte priloške odredbe za vreme tipične za ovo vreme.
12. Future Perfect and Future Continuous - exercises
- By this time next year we _____________________ ( move )into our new house.
- I'm going to be a very rich man. I'm sure that by the time I'm forty I _______________________ ( make ) my first million.
- This time tomorrow, they ___________________ ( travel )to London.
- I'm sure it ____________________ ( rain ) when we arrive.
- This time next week he ___________________ ( fly) to South Africa.
- When you arrive I probably ____________________ ( start )the job.
- By November all the leaves _____________________ ( fall ).
- Next year we ___________________ ( be )together for ten years.
- I am sure they __________________ ( complete )the new road before April.
- He ________________________( not, play )all afternoon.
13. Multi - part verbs - Povezati deset frazalnih glagola sa ponuđenim glagolima.
Npr. to enjoy - to get a lot out of, to be released - to come out ...
Nakon toga napisati tri rečenice koje sadrže frazalne glagole make up for, take over i give away .
14. Pročitati tekst na strani 60 i izdvojiti 12 veznih reči odnosno izraza ( in order to, as, so that ...). Nakon toga uraditi vežbu 4 na strani 61 u kojoj je zadatak da te vezne reči podelite u dve grupe : 1. razlog , 2. cilj / svrha. Zatim uraditi i vežbu 5 u kojoj je potrebno upotrebiti te vezne reči u transformaciji rečenica.
➤ Zadatak za E 32
Pročitati tekst Transporting electric energy 1 , zatim uraditi prvu, drugu i treću vežbu , tj. odgovoriti na pitanja i prevesti.
➤ Zadatak za G 31
Pročitati tekst Roofs 1, prevesti pojmove purlin, ridge, strut, rafter i wall plate, nakon toga odgovoriti na pitanja i uraditi vežbu 2 i 3.
Purlin - rožnjača , ridge - sleme , strut - stolica / raspinjača / pajanta , rafter - rog , wall plate - venčanica
➤ Zadatak za E 32
Pročitati tekst Transporting electric energy 2 i odgovoriti na pitanja.
➤Zadatak za G 31
Pročitati tekst Roofs 2 i pronaći pojmove za definicije iz vežbe 1.
➤ Zadatak za E 32
Pročitati tekst Electric power systems 1, odgovoriti na pitanja i prevesti 5 rečenica iz vežbe 3.
➤ Zadatak za G 31
14. Pročitati tekst na strani 60 i izdvojiti 12 veznih reči odnosno izraza ( in order to, as, so that ...). Nakon toga uraditi vežbu 4 na strani 61 u kojoj je zadatak da te vezne reči podelite u dve grupe : 1. razlog , 2. cilj / svrha. Zatim uraditi i vežbu 5 u kojoj je potrebno upotrebiti te vezne reči u transformaciji rečenica.
➤Zadatak za G 31
Pročitati tekst Home building i odgovoriti na pitanja.
➤ Zadatak za E 32
Pročitati tekst Transporting electric energy 1 , zatim uraditi prvu, drugu i treću vežbu , tj. odgovoriti na pitanja i prevesti.
➤ Zadatak za G 31
Pročitati tekst Roofs 1, prevesti pojmove purlin, ridge, strut, rafter i wall plate, nakon toga odgovoriti na pitanja i uraditi vežbu 2 i 3.
➤ Zadatak za E 32
Pročitati tekst Transporting electric energy 2 i odgovoriti na pitanja.
➤Zadatak za G 31
Pročitati tekst Roofs 2 i pronaći pojmove za definicije iz vežbe 1.
Pročitati tekst Electric power systems 1, odgovoriti na pitanja i prevesti 5 rečenica iz vežbe 3.
Pročitati tekst Twentieth - century architecture, odgovoriti na pitanja ( nije neophodno da radite peto pitanje ) i uraditi vežbu 2.
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